Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hot news for Arizona car owners

Here is some hot news for Arizona car owners: Summer is the season for the majority of car-battery failures.

According to the Car Care Council, the average life of a battery is 3½ years and can be even shorter in extremely hot climates such as ours.  This is because extreme heat causes the battery fluid to evaporate, which damages the internal structure and reduces the amount of electricity that powers your vehicle.  That combined with the use of devices such as portable DVD players, GPS systems, and radar detectors can be a recipe for disaster on a hot Arizona day.

Contrary to popular belief, your car’s battery will not give you any real warning about it being on the verge of dying.  They are more like light bulbs; they can work fine one time and be dead the next time you “flip the switch.”

It is recommended that you have your battery tested at least once a year but definitely at the three year mark.  If there are signs that it is starting to fail, it should be replaced as you don’t want to wait until you are stranded on the side of the road to realize that your battery issue is a serious one.

From now until October 31st 2010 Glenn Jones Auto Center will test your battery, free of charge, with any service.  Just ask for it!

Happy Motoring!

Kim Salazar
Parts and Service Director
Glenn Jones Auto Center
Casa Grande, AZ

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